Autoridades y personal. . (2023/240-21)
Resolución de 13 de diciembre de 2023, de la Universidad de Cádiz, por la que se convoca concurso público de contrato predoctoral asociado al Proyecto ECO2WINE.
27 páginas totales
Zahoribo únicamente muestra información pública que han sido publicada previamente por organismos oficiales de España.
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No ocultamos, cambiamos o tergiversamos la información, simplemente somos un altavoz organizado de los boletines oficiales de España.
Cualquier dato, sea personal o no, ya está disponible en internet y con acceso público antes de estar en Zahoribo. Si lo ves aquí primero es simple casualidad.
No ocultamos, cambiamos o tergiversamos la información, simplemente somos un altavoz organizado de los boletines oficiales de España.
Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía
Número 240 - Lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2023
página 18952/20
3) To perform bioassays to compare natural antifungal metabolites against chemical
antifungal compounds;
4) To overexpress active molecules in modified industrial yeasts
DC8 Profile
Academic Degree2:
Holds a Bachelor's or Degree in BSc in Biotechnology, Biology, Enology,
Biochemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry Engineering, Food Sciences, Microbiology
or similar.
Holds a Master´s degree in Relevant Master’s degree relevant to biological
sciences or similar
Technical skills
Experience in manipulating microorganisms and use of aseptic technique
Experience in molecular biology techniques
Experience in organic chemistry
Experience in GC-MS and MRN techniques
Prior knowledge of sequencing, bioinformatics tools and approaches.
Organization/Company Offer
Exciting multidisciplinary research in a collaborative network of top academic and
industrial partners.
Research and training stays in other countries.
Advanced computing and imaging infrastructure to support your research.
You will be enrolled in our PhD training programme.
Special focus on career development by offering training in transferable skills such as
project management, communication skills, grant writing, exploitation of results, etc.
The selected person will benefit from a 36-month predoctoral employment contract
(subject to annual review according to applicable regulations)
Salary and Allowances
The minimum salary that researchers will receive during this period will be 2.725,93 euros groos
per month or 3.090,20 euros groos per month if the researcher hired has a family at the time of
To be included in the doctorate program (University of Cadiz), candidates must fulfil the criteria
established in the doctorate program in their current institution. Usually, a completed course requires at
least 300 higher education credits, of which at least 60 higher education credits are second-cycle (Master
Depósito Legal: SE-410/1979. ISSN: 2253-802X
Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía
Número 240 - Lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2023
página 18952/20
3) To perform bioassays to compare natural antifungal metabolites against chemical
antifungal compounds;
4) To overexpress active molecules in modified industrial yeasts
DC8 Profile
Academic Degree2:
Holds a Bachelor's or Degree in BSc in Biotechnology, Biology, Enology,
Biochemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry Engineering, Food Sciences, Microbiology
or similar.
Holds a Master´s degree in Relevant Master’s degree relevant to biological
sciences or similar
Technical skills
Experience in manipulating microorganisms and use of aseptic technique
Experience in molecular biology techniques
Experience in organic chemistry
Experience in GC-MS and MRN techniques
Prior knowledge of sequencing, bioinformatics tools and approaches.
Organization/Company Offer
Exciting multidisciplinary research in a collaborative network of top academic and
industrial partners.
Research and training stays in other countries.
Advanced computing and imaging infrastructure to support your research.
You will be enrolled in our PhD training programme.
Special focus on career development by offering training in transferable skills such as
project management, communication skills, grant writing, exploitation of results, etc.
The selected person will benefit from a 36-month predoctoral employment contract
(subject to annual review according to applicable regulations)
Salary and Allowances
The minimum salary that researchers will receive during this period will be 2.725,93 euros groos
per month or 3.090,20 euros groos per month if the researcher hired has a family at the time of
To be included in the doctorate program (University of Cadiz), candidates must fulfil the criteria
established in the doctorate program in their current institution. Usually, a completed course requires at
least 300 higher education credits, of which at least 60 higher education credits are second-cycle (Master
Depósito Legal: SE-410/1979. ISSN: 2253-802X