Consejería De Presidencia, Interior Y Diálogo Social. Convenios. (2024060946)
Resolución de 7 de marzo de 2024, de la Secretaría General, por la que se da publicidad al Convenio entre la Consejería de Cultura, Turismo, Jóvenes y Deportes de la Junta de Extremadura (Reino de España) y la Boris Lurie Art Fundation, para el intercambio de cartas.
12 páginas totales


Martes 19 de marzo de 2024

5. C
 auses for termination
The following shall be causes for termination of this Agreement:
— The mutual agreement of The Parties.
— The unilateral termination, by means of written notification to the other Party with a
minimum notice of six months.
— The non-compliance by any of the Parties of the clauses of the Agreement.
— The expiration of the term of the Agreement without having agreed to extend it.
6. J urisdiction.
Any question that may arise regarding the implementation, interpretation and effects of
this Agreement, which could not be settled by the aforementioned commission, shall be
resolved in accordance with Law 29/1998, of July 13, 1998, regulating the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction, for which the Boris-Lurie Foundation submits to the Courts and
Tribunals of Spain.
7. V
This Agreement shall be effective from the date of consent of The Parties and shall be valid
for a period of 4 years and may be extended for a period of up to four years, by agreement
of The Parties by means of the subscription of an addendum prior to its termination.
8. M
a. By signing this Agreement, The Parties confirm that they understand and agree with all
the terms of this Agreement.
b. T
 his Agreement does not entail economic commitments for any of The Parties.
c. This Agreement consists of ten pages, (including Annexes), in two bilingual Spanish/
English copies, one for each of The Parties.
9. S
 ignatures of the Parties.
La Consejera de Cultura, Turismo, Jóvenes y
Deportes de la Junta de Extremadura.

Fundación de Arte Boris Lurie.

(Reino de España)

Chairman / Presidente

PD, Resolución de 02/08/20123
(DOE n.º 151, de 7 de agosto),
El Secretario General / The Secretary-General

Boris Lurie Art Foundation.