Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear. III. Otras disposiciones. Comunidades autónomas. Convenio. (BOE-A-2024-26347)
Resolución de 10 de diciembre de 2024, del Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, por la que se publica el Convenio con la Universitat Politècnica de València, la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya y la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, para la ejecución de Proyecto I+D sobre «Participación en los Proyectos de Mantenimiento de Códigos CAMP de la NRC y Programas Experimentales Termohidráulicos de NEA/OECD (ATLAS, RBHT, POLCA y SYSTHER), y su aplicación a Plantas Españolas (CAMP-ESPAÑA)».
46 páginas totales
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Cualquier dato, sea personal o no, ya está disponible en internet y con acceso público antes de estar en Zahoribo. Si lo ves aquí primero es simple casualidad.
No ocultamos, cambiamos o tergiversamos la información, simplemente somos un altavoz organizado de los boletines oficiales de España.
Martes 17 de diciembre de 2024
Sec. III. Pág. 173439
PWR Control Rod Drop Transient with 3D Neutronic-Thermalhydraulic Coupled Codes
RELAP5/ PARCSv2.7 and TRACEv5.0P3/PARCSv3.0».
[9] NUREG/IA-0550, J. Freixa, V. Martínez-Quiroga, K. Martin-Gil and F. Reventós;
«Modelling guidelines for CCFL representation during IBLOCA scenarios of PWR
[10] NUREG/IA-0244, S. Gallardo, V. Abella, G. Verdú; «Assessment of TRACE 5.0
against ROSA test 6-2, Vessel Lower Plenum SBLOCA»; 2011.
[11] NUREG/IA-0245, S. Gallardo, V. Abella, G. Verdú; «Assessment of TRACE 5.0
against ROSA test 6-1, Vessel Upper Head SBLOCA», 2011.
[12] NUREG/IA-0412, S. Gallardo, V. Abella, G. Verdú, A. Querol; «Assessment of
TRACE 5.0 against ROSA test 3-2, High Power Natural Circulation», 2013.
[13] NUREG/IA-0413, S. Gallardo, V. Abella, G. Verdú, A. Querol; «Assessment of
TRACE 5.0 against ROSA test 3-1, Cold Leg SBLOCA», 2013.
[14] NUREG/IA-0420, J.L. Muñoz-Cobo, A. Romero, S. Chiva, «Analysis with
TRACE Code of Rosa Test 1.2: Small LOCA in the Hot-Leg with HPI and Accumulator
Actuation», 2013.
[15] NUREG/IA-0419, A. Julbe, J.L. Muñoz-Cobo, A. Escrivá, A. Romero, «Analysis
with TRACE Code of ROSA Test 1.1: ECCS Water Injection Under Natural Circulation
Condition», 2012.
[16] NUREG/IA-0422, J.L. Muñoz-Cobo, S. Chiva, A. Escrivá, «Analysis with
TRACE Code of PKL-III Test F 1.2», 2013.
[17] NUREG/IA-0411, S. Carlos, J.F. Villanueva, S. Martorell, V. Serradell;
«Simulation of the experimental series F2.2 at PKL facility using RELAP5/Mod3.3», 2012.
[18] NUREG/IA-0250, S. Carlos, J.F. Villanueva, S. Martorell, V. Serradell;
«Simulation of the F2.1 Experiment at PKL Facility using RELAP5/MOD3», 2011.
[19] NUREG/IA-0256, C. Queral, A. Concejal, A. Expósito, e I. González,
«Simulation of PKL loss of RHRS experiment E3.1 with RELAP5 and TRACE codes.
Application to a PWR-W plant mode», 2011.
[20] NUREG/IA-0257, C. Queral, A. Concejal, A. Expósito, «Simulation of PKL loss
of RHRS experiment F2.2 with RELAP5 and TRACE codes. Application to a PWR-W
plant model», 2011.
[21] NUREG/IA-0426, C. Queral, J. Gonzalez-Cadelo, G.Jimenez, E. Villalba, J.
Perez «Simulation of LSTF Upper Head Break (OECD/NEA ROSA test 6.1) with TRACE
code. Application to a PWR NPP model», 2013.
[22] NUREG/IA-0410, Martínez, V; Reventós, F.; Pretel, C.; «Post-Test Calculation
of the ROSA/LSTF Test 3-2 using RELAP5/mod3.3», 2012.
[23] NUREG/IA-0409, Martínez, V; Reventós, F.; Pretel, C.; «Post-Test Calculation
of the ROSA/LSTF Test 3-1 using RELAP5/mod3.3», 2012.
[24] NUREG/IA-0417, Freixa J., Pretel C., Batet Ll., Reventós F.; «Post-Test
Thermal-Hydraulic analysis of Tests F1.1 and F1.2», 2014.
[25] NUREG/IA-0233, C. Queral, A. Expósito, G. Jiménez, L. Valle and J.C.
Martínez-Murillo; «Assessment of TRACE 4.160 and 5.0 against RCP Trip Transient in
Almaraz I Nuclear Power Plant», 2010.
[26] NUREG/IA-0255, J. C. Martínez-Murillo, M. Novo, R. Miró, T. Barrachina, and
G. Verdú; «Coupled RELAP/PARCS Full Plant Model – Assessment of a Cooling
Transient in Trillo Nuclear Power Plant», 2011.
[27] NUREG/IA-0240, R. Pericas, L. Batet, and F. Reventós; «Sensitivity Analyses
of a Hypothetical 6 Inch Break, LOCA in Ascό NPP using RELAP/MOD3.2», 2010.
[28] NUREG/IA-0243, O. Lozano, C-P. Chiang, C. Llopis, L. Batet, F. Reventόs;
«Development of a Vandellòs II NPP Model using the TRACE Code: Application to an
Actual Transient of Main Coolant Pumps Trip and Start-up». 2011.
[29] NUREG/IA-0226, P. Corcuera, E. Rodriguez, G. Villescas; «Assessment of the
Turbine Trip Transient in Santa María de Garoña Nuclear Power Plant with TRACE
version 4.16», 2010.
cve: BOE-A-2024-26347
Verificable en
Núm. 303
Martes 17 de diciembre de 2024
Sec. III. Pág. 173439
PWR Control Rod Drop Transient with 3D Neutronic-Thermalhydraulic Coupled Codes
RELAP5/ PARCSv2.7 and TRACEv5.0P3/PARCSv3.0».
[9] NUREG/IA-0550, J. Freixa, V. Martínez-Quiroga, K. Martin-Gil and F. Reventós;
«Modelling guidelines for CCFL representation during IBLOCA scenarios of PWR
[10] NUREG/IA-0244, S. Gallardo, V. Abella, G. Verdú; «Assessment of TRACE 5.0
against ROSA test 6-2, Vessel Lower Plenum SBLOCA»; 2011.
[11] NUREG/IA-0245, S. Gallardo, V. Abella, G. Verdú; «Assessment of TRACE 5.0
against ROSA test 6-1, Vessel Upper Head SBLOCA», 2011.
[12] NUREG/IA-0412, S. Gallardo, V. Abella, G. Verdú, A. Querol; «Assessment of
TRACE 5.0 against ROSA test 3-2, High Power Natural Circulation», 2013.
[13] NUREG/IA-0413, S. Gallardo, V. Abella, G. Verdú, A. Querol; «Assessment of
TRACE 5.0 against ROSA test 3-1, Cold Leg SBLOCA», 2013.
[14] NUREG/IA-0420, J.L. Muñoz-Cobo, A. Romero, S. Chiva, «Analysis with
TRACE Code of Rosa Test 1.2: Small LOCA in the Hot-Leg with HPI and Accumulator
Actuation», 2013.
[15] NUREG/IA-0419, A. Julbe, J.L. Muñoz-Cobo, A. Escrivá, A. Romero, «Analysis
with TRACE Code of ROSA Test 1.1: ECCS Water Injection Under Natural Circulation
Condition», 2012.
[16] NUREG/IA-0422, J.L. Muñoz-Cobo, S. Chiva, A. Escrivá, «Analysis with
TRACE Code of PKL-III Test F 1.2», 2013.
[17] NUREG/IA-0411, S. Carlos, J.F. Villanueva, S. Martorell, V. Serradell;
«Simulation of the experimental series F2.2 at PKL facility using RELAP5/Mod3.3», 2012.
[18] NUREG/IA-0250, S. Carlos, J.F. Villanueva, S. Martorell, V. Serradell;
«Simulation of the F2.1 Experiment at PKL Facility using RELAP5/MOD3», 2011.
[19] NUREG/IA-0256, C. Queral, A. Concejal, A. Expósito, e I. González,
«Simulation of PKL loss of RHRS experiment E3.1 with RELAP5 and TRACE codes.
Application to a PWR-W plant mode», 2011.
[20] NUREG/IA-0257, C. Queral, A. Concejal, A. Expósito, «Simulation of PKL loss
of RHRS experiment F2.2 with RELAP5 and TRACE codes. Application to a PWR-W
plant model», 2011.
[21] NUREG/IA-0426, C. Queral, J. Gonzalez-Cadelo, G.Jimenez, E. Villalba, J.
Perez «Simulation of LSTF Upper Head Break (OECD/NEA ROSA test 6.1) with TRACE
code. Application to a PWR NPP model», 2013.
[22] NUREG/IA-0410, Martínez, V; Reventós, F.; Pretel, C.; «Post-Test Calculation
of the ROSA/LSTF Test 3-2 using RELAP5/mod3.3», 2012.
[23] NUREG/IA-0409, Martínez, V; Reventós, F.; Pretel, C.; «Post-Test Calculation
of the ROSA/LSTF Test 3-1 using RELAP5/mod3.3», 2012.
[24] NUREG/IA-0417, Freixa J., Pretel C., Batet Ll., Reventós F.; «Post-Test
Thermal-Hydraulic analysis of Tests F1.1 and F1.2», 2014.
[25] NUREG/IA-0233, C. Queral, A. Expósito, G. Jiménez, L. Valle and J.C.
Martínez-Murillo; «Assessment of TRACE 4.160 and 5.0 against RCP Trip Transient in
Almaraz I Nuclear Power Plant», 2010.
[26] NUREG/IA-0255, J. C. Martínez-Murillo, M. Novo, R. Miró, T. Barrachina, and
G. Verdú; «Coupled RELAP/PARCS Full Plant Model – Assessment of a Cooling
Transient in Trillo Nuclear Power Plant», 2011.
[27] NUREG/IA-0240, R. Pericas, L. Batet, and F. Reventós; «Sensitivity Analyses
of a Hypothetical 6 Inch Break, LOCA in Ascό NPP using RELAP/MOD3.2», 2010.
[28] NUREG/IA-0243, O. Lozano, C-P. Chiang, C. Llopis, L. Batet, F. Reventόs;
«Development of a Vandellòs II NPP Model using the TRACE Code: Application to an
Actual Transient of Main Coolant Pumps Trip and Start-up». 2011.
[29] NUREG/IA-0226, P. Corcuera, E. Rodriguez, G. Villescas; «Assessment of the
Turbine Trip Transient in Santa María de Garoña Nuclear Power Plant with TRACE
version 4.16», 2010.
cve: BOE-A-2024-26347
Verificable en
Núm. 303