III. Otras disposiciones. CONSEJO DE SEGURIDAD NUCLEAR. Convenios. (BOE-A-2022-22673)
Resolución de 20 de diciembre de 2022, del Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, por la que se publica el Convenio con el Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, O.A., M.P., en el área de los accidentes severos para el proyecto de I+D+i "Aplicación a planta de la investigación en accidentes severos".
23 páginas totales
Núm. 310

Martes 27 de diciembre de 2022

Sec. III. Pág. 185730

– Luis E. Herranz; Joan Fontanet; Elena Fernández; Claudia López del Prá. «The
Effect of Nodalization on the Wet Well’s Performance Duringan SBO accident». The 10th
International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and SafetyNUTHOS-10. Okinawa (Japón), 14-18 Diciembre 2014.
– Luis E. Herranz; Claudia López del Prá. «The effect of coupling the ARI3 SG filter
model with the melcor code: A reassessment of a SGTR meltdown sequence». 22nd
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering - ICONE 22. Praga (República Checa),
7-11 Julio 2014.
– Luis E. Herranz; Claudia López del Prá; Joan Fontanet; Elena Fernández.
«Lessons learned from the Fukushima analysis: the modeling of severe accidents in
Nuclear Power Plants». The 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor
Thermal Hydraulics - NURETH-16. Chicago (EEUU), 30 Agosto-04 Septiembre 2015.
– M. Pellegrini; K. Dolganov; Luis E. Herranz; H. Boneville; D. Luxat; M. Sonnekalb;
J. Ishikawa; J. H. Song; R. O. Gauntt; L. Fernández Moguel; F. Payot; H. Hoshi; Y. Nishi.
«Benchmark study of the Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS best estimate case
comparison». The 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal
Hydraulics - NURETH-16. Chicago (EEUU), 30 Agosto-04 Septiembre 2015.
– Joan Fontanet; Luis E. Herranz. «Sensitivity of PARs Performance to Accident
Modelling in Small Break LOCAs in PWRs». 11th International Topical Meeting on
Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Operation and Safety - - NUTHOS-11. Gyeongju
(Korea del Sur), 9-13 Octubre 2016.
– Michele Andreani; Yan Diaqiang; Avinash J. Gaikwa; …..Luis E. Herranz;
«Synthesis of a Blind CFD Benchmark Exercise Based on a Test in the Panda Facility
Addressing the Stratification Erosion by a Vertical Jet In Presence of a Flow Obstruction».
Computational Fluid Dynamics for Nuclear Reactor Safety Applications CFD4NRS-2016. Massachusetts (EEUU), 13 -15 Septiembre 2016.
– Luis E. Herranz; Claudia López del Prá. «CIEMAT’s New Research on Key Source
Term Issues; Jet Scrubbing in Pools». IAEA WORKSHOP. Viena (Austria), 17-21
– Claudia López del Prá; Luis E. Herranz. «Results of the CIEMAT’s Fukushima.
Unit 1 Forensic Analysis». IAEA WORKSHOP. Viena (Austria), 17 -21 Julio 2017.
– Claudia López del Prá; Luis E. Herranz. «On the Applicability of Severe Accident
Codes as Forensic Tools; A Study on the Unit 1 of the Fukushima Site». IAEA (Technical
Meeting on the Status and Evaluation of Severe Accident Simulation Codes for Water
Cooled Reactors). Viena (Austria), 09-12 Octubre2017
– Luis E. Herranz; Claudia López del Prá. «Progress in understanding Fukushima
Unit 1 severe accident through a forensic analysis with MELCOR». International
Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants - ICAPP 2018. Charlotte (EEUU), 8-11
Abril 2018.
– Joan Fontanet; Luis E. Herranz. «The Effect of FCVS Pressure Setpoints on the
Source Term and the Containment Response under an SBO Accident in a PWR with
Large Dry Containment». Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety –
NUTHOS-12. Qingdao (China), 14-18 Octubre 2018.
– Joan Fontanet; Luis E. Herranz. «Assessment of opening/closure criteria for
containment venting on the source term and thermal-hydraulics in a PWR with largedry
containment» - ISAMC International Severe Accident Management Conference. Otawa
(Canadá), 15-18 Octubre 2018.
Informes de proyecto:
– Luis E. Herranz; Claudia López de Prá; Joan Fontanet; Elena Fernández.
DFN/SN-01/OP-15: «Major insights into the Fukushima Severe Accidents: CIEMAT’s
contribution to the OECD-BSAF project». (2015).

cve: BOE-A-2022-22673
Verificable en https://www.boe.es

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