Autoridades y personal. . (2023/240-21)
Resolución de 13 de diciembre de 2023, de la Universidad de Cádiz, por la que se convoca concurso público de contrato predoctoral asociado al Proyecto ECO2WINE.
27 páginas totales
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Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía
Número 240 - Lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2023

página 18952/17

DC Research Field

Microbial interactions related to grape
production and winemaking

Researcher Profile

PhD candidates

DC Host Location

University of Cádiz

Type of Contract

Temporary (36 months)



Hours per week


Vacancy Starting Date

Apr. 2024

Enrolment in a PhD Program


Institution Awarding PhD

Paseo de Carlos III, 28, 11003 Cádiz

The Eco2Wine project aims at providing a new generation of PhD graduated employees for the
wine sector who will be able to manage winemaking-associated ecosystems, protect and control
the biodiversity, and use this knowhow to reduce unsustainable interventions in natural
environments while improving wine sustainability and “natural wine” production. Winemakingassociated ecosystems are complex environments in which more or less stable and evolutionary
relevant interactions among species, and between each species and abiotic components, are
established. In recent years the direct manipulation of these ecosystems has gained
considerable interest in wine science because of the need of boosting sustainable, socially
relevant and ecofriendly choices for the wine production while meeting the growing consumer
demand for more diverse wine styles. To better map and exploit the natural biodiversity of
winemaking associated ecosystems, the understanding of the relevant microbiota, the various
ecological interactions within those biota and of the molecular mechanisms involved in
interactions is essential. Such studies will allow to describe how these ecosystems work and how
their intelligent exploitation can benefit the wine world. The training program is divided in 4
areas of interest: wine ecology, wine innovation, wine business and wine science
communication. The consortium includes 9 beneficiaries and 12 partner organizations that
possess complementary competencies and are working with success in wine research. The level
of quality of these institutions, the long-term collaborations established in the past joint
European project, YeSVitE (GA612441), and the appropriate exchange scheme of training with
private companies will sustain an efficient transfer of knowledge between PhD students, the
broader scientific community and the relevant social and economic actors. The project will have
a relevant impact on the wine research field, winemakers and all potential stakeholders.

Depósito Legal: SE-410/1979. ISSN: 2253-802X


About ECO2WINE project